フィレステーキ 「Tony’s Lord Nelson Restaurant」
- フィレステーキを注文
Tonys Lord Nelson | Tony’s Steakhouse Restaurant
Starting out as a simple kiwi steakhouse some 38 years ago, we have expanded and finetuned our menu to cater for all tastes, though our steaks are always good, sometimes excellent and occasionally magnificent!…
住所 | 37 Victoria St W, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010 ニュージーランド |
電話 | +64 9-379 4564 |
ALL BLACKSの聖地 「Eden Park」
Eden Park | Experience Live Again | New Zealand’s National Stadium
Eden Park; New Zealand’s iconic national stadium hosts international and national sports events – Take a Complimentary Membership Tour call 09 815 5174…
住所 | Reimers Ave, Kingsland, Auckland 1024 ニュージーランド |
電話 | +64 9-815 5551 |
Te Puia マオリ美術工芸学校
Rotorua Geothermal Geysers, Rotorua Attraction
Visit Te Puia, a top Rotorua attraction in New Zealand and centre for Māori cultural experiences, geothermal valley with the Rotorua geysers, maori village, guided tours & more.…
住所 | Hemo Rd, Tihiotonga, Rotorua 3040 ニュージーランド |
電話 | +64 7-348 9047 |
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