2019年3月25日放送の「ワールドビジネスサテライト 熱海のインスタ映えカフェ」で紹介された伊豆多賀駅「コエダハウス(COEDA HOUSE)」の情報をチェックしました。
絶景の熱海カフェ 伊豆多賀駅「コエダハウス(COEDA HOUSE)」
- 絶景の熱海カフェ
- 若い女性に人気!熱海のインスタ映えカフェ
- 隈研吾さんが設計
隈研吾事務所 ホームページ
COEDA HOUSE | Architecture | Kengo Kuma and Associates
COEDA HOUSECOEDA HOUSE Shizuoka, Japan 2017.09 Cafe 141.61 m2 Randomly stacking 8cm square cedar boards, we made a huge tree-like structure. Reinforcing with a carbon fiber rod (with a tensile strength 7 times that of iron) it becomes possible to have a single trunk with large branches while still diminishing movement during earthquakes. The site lies on a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and due to the tree-like form, we were able to eliminate columns at the perimeter which would otherwise…
住所 | 静岡県熱海市上多賀1027-8 |
電話 | 0557-82-1221 |
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